«Образование человека»
Ассоциация развития образования


The public movement "HUMAN EDUCATION" was started for the sake of uniting the interests and intellectual forces of professionals working in the field of philosophy, theory and practice of education, with the aim of revising and transforming education creatively. Our goal is to support and develop human goals and values in education in general and especially in professional pedagogical work.

The initial drafts of the movement are focused on the PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION and  PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY FOR TEACHERS. Our projects  were
·       research seminar on philosophy of education
·       research in the group of colleagues
·       seminars for teachers
o   reflections in pedagogical learning community
o   practical philosophy in education
 Our works:
Kostetskij V., Kozhevnikova M., Kozyrev Ph., Marchukova S. (2015) The horizons of a new sociality in education / Ed. M. Kozhevnikova. St. Petersburg, Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. 447 p. (In Russian)
The teacher with oneself. (2014) / Ed. M. Kozhevnikova. St. Petersburg, Lema Publishing house. 176 p. (In Russian)
Education of man. Philosophy of Education: the Seminar. (2011)  / Ed. M. Kozhevnikova. St. Petersburg, Lema Publishing house. 320 p. (In Russian)
The Workshop of Teachers' Philosophy,  72 hours in Federal research state institution 'Institute of Education management, Russian Academy of education'.  Author, instructor - M. Kozhevnikova

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© Маргарита Кожевникова, тексты сайта

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